Hello and Welcome

My name is Guy Fryer. I worked as a cabinetmaker in my younger years and have begun to make furniture again after working for approximately 20 years as a licensed architect in California.

My brother says that being involved and aware of the creative process is a reward in and of itself- I have always found this to be true. I am grateful to be working in this medium and look forward to interacting with clients to create functional, beautiful furniture. Displayed here are pieces which are given the time and attention to make this happen. Each piece is meant to come to life in its own way. 

Pieces are made with hardwoods including Cherry, English and Black Walnut as well as Sapele (a member of the Mahogany family). Finish consists of multiple applications of oil to give depth, luster and protection to each piece. 

I love modern form as well as traditional joinery and work to translate my affection for the beauty of wood into visual forms that respect the natural energy of the material. This often leads to very simple forms, yet they are not necessarily easy to make.

Shown here are some of my recent efforts. I offer these, or similar pieces, for sale on a commissioned basis. 

Thanks for visiting this site! Contact me if you have any questions or comments.

Items also for sale at Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/belovedwoodworking